• What comes with every adoption?

    Before your new cat(s) come home they will be fully vaccinated for the year, spayed/neutered, microchipped, a collar, name tag, and a blanket.

    Before your new dog goes home they will be fully vaccinated for the year, spayed/neutered, microchipped, a collar, name tag, blanket, and can include some basic obedience such as: sit, down, recall, crate training, and recall.

  • Why can I adopt two kittens at the same time but not two puppies? not

    At Ruh Roh Rescue we like to make sure we are setting up each of our pets up for success to help ensure they will be going to their forever home; because of this we do not allow adopting 2 dogs of similar age because there is always the chance of them developing “littermate syndrome” which can become very dangerous very quickly. At this time we only allow those adoptions if you have a certified trainer on board and have a very good understanding of what “littermate syndrome” is.

  • Are the cats/kittens declawed? Can I declaw my cat?

    No. Ruh Roh Rescue will never declaw any of their cats and do not allow adopters to declaw them. This is a very painful procedure and is essentially amputating part of their paw; making it so the paw is not making contact with the ground how it is supposed to. This can cause several issues as the cat gets older. It is very similar to constantly wearing a pair of shoes that is two times too small. There are several safe alternatives to declawing a cat and you can reach out if you would like more information.

  • Can I change the name of the pet I want to adopt?

    Yes if you have been approved to adopt any of our pets but are waiting for them to finish receiving their necessary vet care then you can reach out to us at any time with the new name and we will start using that so that they can adjust to it as quickly as possible.

  • How do I sign up for the training that Ruh Roh Rescue offers?

    Please send us an inquiry via email or through our contact us page to let us know you are interested and we will get you in contact with our head trainer, Rachael, to be able to discuss the best course of action.

  • What if I want my puppy/dog to have additional training before I bring it home?

    You will need to add this information in the comment section of your application. If your application gets approved then we will get you in contact with our head trainer, Rachael, who would be able to better assist you. There is an additional charge for this since we will be boarding your puppy/dog with us while it is being trained.

  • How do I get access to the low cost animal supplies.

    If at any time you are needing supplies for your pet(s) please feel free to reach out to us via email or our contact us page. We are willing to help anyone as we know that times are tough right now but we do ask that you do not take advantage of this program that way we are able to help as many people as possible.

  • What happens after I pay my adoption fee and I don't want to the animal anymore?

    The adoption fee is non-refundable and is only transferable within the same litter. The adoption fee cannot be transferred from a puppy to a kitten or vice versa.