Ruh Roh Rescue

Ruh Roh Rescue is a small family owned rescue. Olivia and Rachael originally wanted to give back to the animal community by fostering with a local rescue during kitten season. It wasn’t until they had received a message from a friend about a litter of 4 kittens who were in harms way that they decided to take the plunge and open their own rescue. Currently they are mainly focusing on helping orphan animals who need a little extra care. They are wanting to help prevent more animals from ending up in bad situations by helping with the TNR efforts in their area. They also provide help with dog training to help you get your dream dog without having to spend an arm and a leg.

Meet the Team

  • Rachael Gallup

    Board member and cofounder

  • Olivia Nevels

    Board member and cofounder

  • Nancy Nevels

    Board member

  • Evelyn Pecikonis

    Board member and Rescue Photographer

  • Lesley Mendiola

    Board Member and Medical Advisor