

Age: Currently 11 weeks old

Size: average size // We believe that he is a medium sized breed who will be about 30-50 pounds once fully grown.

Coloring: Black and brown

Neutered: Not yet

Vaccinated: 1st Set (DAPPV & Dewormer), 2nd Set (DAPPV, Bordetella & Dewormer)

Microchipped: Not yet

Personality: Elliot is the definitely up there with one of the bigger sized puppies. He is an old soul in a young body. He is more laid back than the others and is fine with just relaxing and sleeping. He loves to go on a good adventure outside in the backyard or exploring the house with an occasional wrestling or sprinting match. He likes to sit and observe and isn't the biggest fan on going on their own to explore new ground, he prefers going with a buddy. He is a big fan of naps right after a meal and will konk out quickly once he's eaten his fill.

Availability: He will be available once he has been neutered, microchipped, and fully vaccinated.

Training Progress: He is currently working on learning his name and potty training.

We will also be working on basic commands and manners with him to better prepare him for your new home. If you are interested in adopting him please fill out an application. Adoption Application

Adoption Application

Age: Currently 11 weeks old

Size: average size // We believe that he is a medium sized breed who will be about 30-50 pounds once fully grown.

Coloring: Black and brown

Neutered: Not yet

Vaccinated: 1st Set (DAPPV & Dewormer), 2nd Set (DAPPV, Bordetella & Dewormer)

Microchipped: Not yet

Personality: Elliot is the definitely up there with one of the bigger sized puppies. He is an old soul in a young body. He is more laid back than the others and is fine with just relaxing and sleeping. He loves to go on a good adventure outside in the backyard or exploring the house with an occasional wrestling or sprinting match. He likes to sit and observe and isn't the biggest fan on going on their own to explore new ground, he prefers going with a buddy. He is a big fan of naps right after a meal and will konk out quickly once he's eaten his fill.

Availability: He will be available once he has been neutered, microchipped, and fully vaccinated.

Training Progress: He is currently working on learning his name and potty training.

We will also be working on basic commands and manners with him to better prepare him for your new home. If you are interested in adopting him please fill out an application. Adoption Application

Age: Currently 11 weeks old

Size: average size // We believe that he is a medium sized breed who will be about 30-50 pounds once fully grown.

Coloring: Black and brown

Neutered: Not yet

Vaccinated: 1st Set (DAPPV & Dewormer), 2nd Set (DAPPV, Bordetella & Dewormer)

Microchipped: Not yet

Personality: Elliot is the definitely up there with one of the bigger sized puppies. He is an old soul in a young body. He is more laid back than the others and is fine with just relaxing and sleeping. He loves to go on a good adventure outside in the backyard or exploring the house with an occasional wrestling or sprinting match. He likes to sit and observe and isn't the biggest fan on going on their own to explore new ground, he prefers going with a buddy. He is a big fan of naps right after a meal and will konk out quickly once he's eaten his fill.

Availability: He will be available once he has been neutered, microchipped, and fully vaccinated.

Training Progress: He is currently working on learning his name and potty training.

We will also be working on basic commands and manners with him to better prepare him for your new home. If you are interested in adopting him please fill out an application. Adoption Application